Welcome to the Cashmere Canyons, a 2100-acre privately-owned preserve owned by Hay Canyon Ranch, LLC and co-managed by the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust. We allow public access for hiking along 12 miles of trail system with sweeping views to the Enchantments, the Entiats, the Wenatchee Valley and down to the Columbia River.
Allowed & disallowed activities
First things first: no dogs, period, not even on leash, not even if you didn’t know and you drove a long way before you found out. (Check out Wenatchee Outdoors’ list of dog-friendly hikes in the Wenatchee Valley area.) Cashmere Canyons is private land, not public land, with wilderness conservation as its highest priority and thus restricted public access. The owner is obligated to try to enforce conservation protections and, if necessary, retains the right to prosecute violations of the rules below. So please read and follow them, and encourage others to do the same, so that this amazing land can be enjoyed by all.
The trail system may be closed at certain times of year, for the protection of wildlife or during periods of extreme fire danger. Closures will be announced in the banner at the top of this page.
Only the following activities are permitted, only on marked trails & roads and only between dawn & dusk:
- hiking
- trail running
- snowshoeing
The following activities and items are prohibited (even though we love dogs and bikes and...):
- dogs (even if leashed)
- mountain biking/cycling
- horses
- motorized vehicles (of any kind)
- skiing (of any kind)
- hunting (including antler shed hunting)
- weapons (of any kind, concealed or not)
- drones
- camping or campfires
- combustibles (fireworks, smoking, vaping)
- alcohol
- off-trail travel
Other rules
The only access to the trail system is from the trailhead parking lot on Nahahum Canyon Road. Entering the land from any other point or leaving the clearly marked trails system via anything other than the trailhead is trespassing. (There is a vault toilet at the parking lot.) Directions to the trailhead >>
Parking on the shoulder of narrow Nahahum County Road is dangerous and inadvisable. Parked cars that interfere with traffic might be ticketed or even towed. If you find the parking lot is full, please Contact Us so we can track it and consider additional options.
No overnight parking at the trailhead.
Stay on the designated trails at all times and respect all private property signs. Only the clearly marked trails are open for public use.
Please practice zero-impact hiking. Carry out all litter, including solid waste and any food remnants.
Never approach, feed, or follow wildlife nor attempt to remove snakes from the trail. Just observe and respect the wildlife. Leave items you find – like wildflowers, feathers, and antlers – for others to enjoy and wildlife to use.
The only outhouse is at the parking lot.
Some tips for your visit
Protect yourself from the sun, wind, heat, and cold.
Wear sturdy shoes – trails have steep and uneven surfaces.
Consider taking hiking poles if it’s wet – the trails can be slippery.
Bring enough water – there is none on the trail system.
Respect both wildlife and other users by avoiding loud noises and music. (And that way you’ll hear the rattlesnakes before you step on them.)
Treat living plants with respect – they provide homes for insects, food for birds and animals, and seeds for regrowth.
And, hey, if you love this place, volunteer! Sign up to help with on-going trail work and weed control here.
Thank you and have a great hike!